Theme : Life is What You Make It
Date: 5th June, 2020
Time to pass the baton on. The Old EC members have successfully completed their tenure with hard work, passion and zeal to promote the club to the highest. Here’s where the new members steps in. To bring a change. TM Shubham elected as SAA. TM Nilu elected as VP Membership. TM Anisha elected as VP education. TM Soubhik is re-elected as VP Public Relations. TM Gunjan is elected as Secretary cum Treasurer of the club & TM Soumita elected as President of Newtown Toastmasters Club.
The meeting well with the TMOD taking on well with the theme. We need life to make some changes everytime & grow, with brilliant ideas TM Nilu gave wonderful ideas as TMoD.
Speaker 1 : TM Krishnesh
Speaker 2 : TM Aritra