Date: 28th August 2019
Theme: Solar System
Description: TMOD Toastmaster Subhajit took us through those parts of the Solar System that we had hardly come to our notice before today. We got a full fill of inputs from the TMOD and took it out to be a thoroughly enjoyable session.
TM Pooja delivered her ice-breaker speech, the title of which was ‘Freedom Is Not Always Free’. She shared her experiences as the daughter of an Army officer. Words of the turmoils of her life and the brave hearts that the Army-kids are, touched our hearts instantly.
TM Sagorika delivered her ice-breaker speech entitled ‘You Can Have It All, Just Not All Of It At The Same Time’. Her speech took us through the reality of life where we try to grab on to many things together, but miss out on a lot of it while adjusting with life and its rules.
TM Anisha delivered her ice-breaker speech entitled ‘One In A Million’. Her speech told us about the childhood struggles of her life as the youngest of all siblings and cousins. Her journey of self-discovery was a truly inspiring one.